The school backpack program received a donation of 1,100 deer jerky sticks from Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry.

This is an amazing program that provides low fat high protein food to feeding organizations across the state. Arkansas hunters donate a portion or an entire deer to local processors, who process and grind it for AHFH. AHFH then distributes frozen ground meat and jerky sticks to food pantries and backpack programs. 

The program is great for hunters that have an abundance of meat or extra deer tags. You can donate anywhere from a couple of packages up to an entire deer. The deer can be field dressed or ice chest quartered before drop off. If the deer isn’t make sure to check with the processor before dropping the deer off because they may charge a a field dress/skinning fee. 

The jerky sticks will be included in the bags that are sent home each Friday. Our school currently has 57 students in our backpack program. 

Please consider donating a portion of your hunts to this amazing program! We have three local processors that work with AHFH:
- Bexar Ridge Meats
- The Meat Shop in Mountain Home 
- Twin Lakes Packing and Processing in Mountain Home 

If you would like to donate to our backpack program please reach out to Mrs. Walker.